Maps and Directions

How to Find Club Events

Here are maps and directions to help you find your way to our regular events, such as the monthly meeting and the star parties.  We will post additional maps and directions to other events as necessary. In the event that you need additional directions or information, please email any of the club officers, and they will be glad to provide them to you.

Monthly Meetings

Cochise College, Sierra Vista Campus

The Sierra Vista Campus is located at 901 North Colombo Ave., just off Charleston Road at the eastern edge of Sierra Vista, approximately one mile northeast of the junction of State Highways 90 and 92. Our meetings are held on campus in room COM 704 of Building 700 (Community Outreach/Music).

PDF Documents Cochise College, Sierra Vista Campus

Map and Directions (Get directions from Google Maps)

google maps   

Observatories (alphabetical order)

Alkira Observatory (AO)

The Alkira Observatory is located at 7211 E. Bumbry Lane, Sierra Vista, Arizona.

PDF Documents Alkira Observatory Map and Directions

Cochise Skies Observatory (CSO)

The Cochise Skies Observatory is located at 4204 S. Hohokam Drive, Sierra Vista, Arizona.

PDF Documents Cochise Skies Observatory Map and Directions

Desert Coyote Observatory (DCO)

The Desert Coyote Observatory (DCO) is located at 1460 N. Clanton Ave., Sierra Vista, Arizona.

PDF Document: DCO map. DCO Map and Directions

Discovery Observatory West (DOW)

The Discovery Observatory West (DOW) is located at 5000 S. Apache Ave, Sierra Vista, Arizona.

PDF Documents DOW Map and Directions

Desert Starlight Observatory (DSO)

The Desert Starlight Observatory (DSO) is located at 8484 S. Coyote Song Lane, Palominas, Arizona.

PDF Documents DSO Map and Directions

Junk Bond Observatory (JBO)

The Junk Bond Observatory (JBO) is located on 6929 E. Madera Dr., Hereford, Arizona.

PDF Documents JBO Map and Directions

Mr. Galaxy Observatory (MGO)

The Mr. Galaxy Observatory (MGO) is located on 15480 Empire Rd., Benson, Arizona.

PDF Documents MGO Map and Directions

Palominas Starhaven Observatory (PSO)

The Palominas Starhaven Observatory (PSO) is located at 9896 E. Orion Terrace, Palominas, Arizona.

PDF Documents PSO Map and Directions

RepoGazer Observatory (RGO)

The RepoGazer Observatory (RGO) is located at 9911 Pleiades Place, Palominas, Arizona.

PDF Documents RGO Map and Directions

Song of the Lamb (SOLO)

Song of the Lamb Observatory (SOLO) is located at 149 E Ash Street, Huachuca City, Arizona.

PDF Documents SOLO Map and Directions

Wind Spirit Observatory (WSO)

The Wind Spirit Observatory (WSO) is located at 25320 E. Tonopah Trail, Benson, Arizona.

PDF Documents WSO Map and Directions

Windy Mountain Observatory (WMO)

The Windy Mountain Observatory (WMO) is located at 3723 Loma Ventosa, Sierra Vista, Arizona.

31° 30' 5.85" N, 110° 15' 42.28" W

PDF Document: WMO map. WMO Map and Directions

Schools and Parks

Pueblo Del Sol Elementary School, Sierra Vista

Pueblo Del Sol Elementary School is located at 5130 Paseo Las Palmas, Sierra Vista, Arizona. This is the location of some of the club's outreach events. (Members: Enter the field through the gate on Calle Estudiante.)

Map and Directions (Get directions from Google Maps)

google maps   

General Myer Elementary School,
Ft. Huachuca / Sierra Vista

General Myer Elementary School is located at Smith Avenue Building 45103, Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613. This is the location of some of the club's outreach events.

31° 33.049' N, 110° 21.123' W

Icon for PDF Documents Map to Gen. Myer Elementary School, Ft. Huachuca
           (print version; 131 KB)

Icon for PDF Documents Map to Gen. Myer Elementary School, Ft. Huachuca
           (screen version; 94 KB)


Huachuca Oaks Baptist Camp

9502 S Highway 92    
Hereford, AZ     85615

Going south on Hwy 92 from Sierra Vista: 6.2 miles past Yaqui St.

Going south on Hwy 92, Huachuca Oaks is just past Three Canyons Blvd. and Milepost 332, on the right (west) side of the highway. There is a sign that says "Huachuca Oaks."

You've gone too far south if you see Oak Grove Ln., Turkey Track Rd., or Andalusian Way.

31° 23.8' N, 110° 14.33' W

Huachuca Oaks Weather Station

Board of Directors Meetings

Northrop Grumman
4067 Enterprise Way
Sierra Vista, Arizona
(520) 458-0973

Northrop Grumman Map Map and Directions to Northrop Grumman


Download Maps and Directions:

PDF Documents Cochise College, Sierra Vista Campus

PDF Documents Alkira Obs. (AO)

PDF Documents Cochise Skies Obs. (CSO)

PDF Documents Desert Coyote Obs. (DCO)

PDF Documents Desert Starlight Obs. (DSO)

PDF Documents Discovery Obs. West (DOW)

PDF Documents Junk Bond Obs. (JBO)

PDF Documents Mr. Galaxy Obs. (MGO)

PDF Documents Palominas Star Haven Obs. (PSO)

PDF Documents Song of the Lamb Obs. (SOLO)

PDF Documents RepoGazer Obs. (RGO)

PDF Documents Wind Spirit Obs. (WSO)

PDF Document: WMO Map. Windy Mountain Obs. (WMO)

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Cochise College

Schools and Parks

Alkira Observatory (AO)

Cochise Skies Observatory (CSO)

Desert Coyote Observatory (DCO)

Discovery Observatory West (DOW)

Desert Starlight Observatory (DSO)

Junk Bond Observatory (JBO)

Mr. Galaxy Observatory (MGO)

Palominas Star Haven Observatory (PSO)

RepoGazer Observatory (RGO)

Song of the Lamb Observatory (SOLO)

Wind Spirit Observatory (WSO)

Windy Mountain Observatory (WMO)

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