Huachuca Astronomy Club—Speakers

Dr. Richard Greenberg
Planetary Scientist
University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Lab

Unmasking Europa
The Search for Life on Jupiter's Ocean Moon
by Richard Greenberg
This book is just out! Get it now and read it before 2009, when Richard Greenberg will be one of HAC's guest speakers!
[ Click on the image at left to easily order through Amazon and support the HAC! ]

Unmasking Europa:
The Search for Life on Jupiter's Ocean Moon
Synopsis: Tides heat Jupiter�s moon
Europa and stress its icy crust. The distinctive tectonic cracks and ice floes demonstrate
active linkages between the surface and the underlying
deep global ocean, which have provided a variety of evolving
environmental niches. These processes were recent,
and thus most likely continue today. A habitable biosphere
might extend from the ocean up to within a few
centimeters of the surface. Longer term changes in environmental
conditions may have driven biological adaptation,
as well as provided opportunity for evolution. Life on
Europa might be relatively accessible to spacecraft exploration,
but at the same time vulnerable to contamination.
Bio: Dr. Richard Greenberg of the
University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Lab recently authored the book
Unmasking Europa: The Search for Life on Jupiter�s Ocean Moon.
He received his PhD from MIT in 1972. He is a Professor
of Planetary Sciences and Professor of Teaching
and Teacher Education at the University of Arizona. He
also founded the University's Science and Mathematics
Education Center. His research concerns planetary dynamics,
including formation, evolution, and tidal effects.

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