Become a HAC Member
Enjoy the Benefits of being a HAC Member
Thank you for considering becoming a member of the Huachuca Astronomy Club (HAC). Regardless if you are a newcomer to the hobby or a long time observing veteran, our range of events, programs, member interests, and observing aids can be at your disposal. If you are not familiar at all with the night sky or have no telescope, that is fine! We all started in the same way, and our more experienced members will be glad to assist in any way. We encourage all members to be participants in club activities so all of us can learn and benefit!

Apply for Membership
Please view and print the HAC Membership Application Form. It is a PDF document and contains all the information about joining our great astronomy organization. After filling out the form, you can either mail it to: HAC PO Box 922 Sierra Vista, AZ 85636 or bring it along to one of our meetings. (You can download a free PDF format reader from this Adobe Web site).

New Members Packet
One of the best New Member Packets in the astronomical community is available to you, along with our monthly newsletter online. The new member's packet includes a comprehensive "Survey" that provides us with valuable information on your astronomy interests. We use this information internally to improve our meetings, events, programs, and to better serve you and all our members. If you have not yet completed this survey, please review and complete the survey and return it to a club officer or Board member. In order to complete the membership process, we must have this "Survey" on file. All current members are encouraged to submit this survey form if they have not already done so, as it can be found as a download from the site. If you have any questions regarding membership or the form, please don't hesitate to email [email protected].

Membership Dues
The annual membership dues (also printed on the application) are:
- Individual: $25
- Family: $35
- Student: $10 (18 yrs. of age or older, enrolled in higher education)
- Military: $20
For new members, these dues are prorated on a quarterly basis. Renewal dates for all members is January of each calendar year.

More Benefits for New Members
- How To Start Right In Astronomy - Sky & Telescope's guide to exploring the Universe.
- Sky Charts - Four locally produced star charts showing the Southern Arizona sky at different months of the year. Although centered for certain months and at 9 p.m. local time, they can be used at many other times during the year. Our local (unobstructed) horizon is the gray circle that encompasses most of the interior of the chart. Everything within that gray circle is in the sky at that time. The charts include labeled constellations, the brighter stars, and locations of all Messier objects.
- HAC Member Questionnaire (or "Survey") - So that we are better able to help all members with their particular interests and needs, we ask that you fill out this questionnaire and return it either by mail or to a club officer. This information is not disseminated outside of the club.
- Information Sheet - How To Choose A Telescope.
- Information Sheet - HAC information and HAC yearly calendar of scheduled events such as meetings and member star parties. During the year, we also receive requests for public star parties and other events and we hope that you will be able to join us during these events. No experience needed, and owning a telescope is not essential. These are great events to both help and learn!
- Information Sheet - Judging astronomical 'Seeing' & 'Transparency'
- Information Sheet - Basic ways to measure angular measurement in the night sky.
- Data Sheet - 40 Colorful Double Stars on one side, and 10 Very Red Stars on the flip side of the sheet.
- Basic Glossary of Astronomical Terms - very brief, but we hope that it is helpful!
- Data Sheet - Constellation guide, giving names, meaning, and much more information about all 88 constellations in the sky.
- Data Sheets (3) - Information on all 110 Messier Objects (see glossary sheet) and sorted by constellation, Right Ascension, and Messier Number.
- Sky Calendar - Predictable sky events for the year.
- A very handy Planisphere for locating constellations and stars. Instructions for use are included.

Discounts on Magazines
New and existing members are eligible for discounted magazine subscription rates. The Sky & Telescope subscription rate is $32.95 and Astronomy magazine rate is $34.00. Requests for subscriptions must be sent through the club Treasurer. Magazine rates are for a yearly subscription.
If you already subscribe, please bring the address label off of the magazine wrapper to the next club meeting, to make sure the Treasurer gets all of the correct information. If your subscription isn't yet due for renewal, you can still take advantage of the low rates and renew for an additional year right now.
You can pay for Astronomy magazine with a check made out to Kalmbach Publishing Co. for $34.00 or cash. Sky & Telescope can be paid for by check to Sky Publishing Corp. for $32.95, cash or Visa, MasterCard or Discover (bring your card so we can get the numbers correct). When it comes time for renewal,
bring your renewal notice and payment to the next club meeting and give them to the Treasurer. Please pass this information on to other club members who are not on hac-list. If there are any questions, please let the Treasurer know.
Membership Application

New Member Packet
Membership Dues
More Benefits