HAC Library

Here is a list of periodicals and books currently maintained in the HAC Library. As of August 2011, the library is maintained at the Patterson Observatory. Contact one of the board members if you are interested in checking out any of the titles listed below.

HAC members are welcome to use, borrow, or donate materials to, our club assets. In the case of duplicate monthly periodicals, members are welcome to acquire those that they desire.

The HAC also maintains several telescopes that are available to loan to members. Please see the Assets page.

HAC owns a complete set of Sky and Telescope magazines on DVD. This is currently in the Patterson Observatory.

(in no particular order)

Optics, by K.D. Moeller (644 pages)
Cosmology 101, by David H. Levy (Paperback)
Hyperspace, by Michio Kaku (Paperback)
Universes, by John Leslie (Paperback)
Majestic Universe, by Serge Brunier (large coffee table edition)
Sky & Telescope, June 2007
Sky & Telescope, July 2007
Impact - the Threat of Comets and Asteroids (Verschuur, 1996)
A Complete Manual of Amateur Astronomy (Sherrod, 1981)
The Early Type Stars (Underhill, 1966)
Cosmos (Sagan, 1980)
Atlas of the Solar System (Moore, Hunt, 1983)
The New Solar System (Beatty, O'Leary, Chaikin 1981)
Astronomy (Larousse 1986) Textbook
The Radiant Universe (Marten, Chesterman 1980)
Galaxies (Ferris 1987)
Star Atlas (thin beginners version) 1979
Astronomy (Fradin 1987)
How To Make A Telescope (Texereau 1957)
Burnham's Celestial Handbook, Volume 3 (1978)
Seeing Stars (White 1933)
Exploring the Cosmos (Berman 1973)
Contemporary Astronomy (Pasachoff 1977)
Astronomy, the Evolving Universe (Zeilik 1979)
[unknown title — cover is missing; thick book by Jastrow & Thompson 1974]

Books donated by member Phil Stickney, August 2005:

Burnham’s Celestial Handbook – An Observer’s Guide to the Universe Beyond the Solar System, Robert Burnham Jr., 1978; Three Volumes, hardback

Practical Astronomy Series:  (Paperback)
        Amateur Telescope Making. Stephen F. Tonkin, 1999, 259 pages
        Observing Meteors, Comets, Supernovae, Neil Bone, 1999, 198 pages
        Telescopes And Techniques, C.R. Kitchin, 1995, 204 pages 

On The Cosmic Horizon, Jeffrey Bennett, 2001, 210 pages (hardback)
40 Nights To Knowing The Sky, Fred Schaaf, 1998, 252 pages (paperback)
Exploring The SkyProjects for Beginning Astronomers; Richard Moeschl, 1993, 420 pages (paperback)
Just Six Numbers—The Deep Forces That Shape the Universe, Martin Rees; 2000, 173 pages (hardback)
Making and Enjoying Telescopes, Robert Miller & Kenneth Wilson; 1995, 160 pages (hardback)
Stars And Atoms—From the Big Bang to the Solar System, Stuart Clark; 1995, 160 pages (hardback)
365 Starry Nights—An Introduction To Astronomy For Every Night Of The Year, Chet Raymo; 1982, 225 pages (paperback)
COMET, Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan; 1985, 400 pages (hardback)

Books Donated by Mr. Vince Robel (Bisbee, AZ) on August 19, 2006:

The Dynamic Universe, Theodore P. Snow, 1987 (Textbook & Study Guide)
The Moon and the Planets (A Catalog of Astronomical Anomalies), William R. Corliss, 1985
The Cosmic Inquirers (Modern Telescopes and Their Makers), Tucker & Tucker, 1986
Spherical Astronomy, Robin M. Green, 1985
Burnham's Celestial Handbook, Robert Burnham Jr., 1978  (all three volumes)
Amateur Astronomer's Handbook, J. B. Sidgwick, 1980, revised by James Muirden)
Observational Astronomy for Amateurs (Completely Revised 4th Edition, 1982), J. B. Sidgwick (Revised by J. M.)

Webb Society Handbooks - Deep Sky Observer's Handbooks: (all early to mid 80's)
        1. Double Stars
        2. Planetary & Gaseous Nebulae
        3. Open & Globular Clusters
        4. Galaxies
        5. Clusters of Galaxies
        6. Anonymous Galaxies
        7. The Southern Sky

The Star Guide
, Steven L. Beyer, 1986
Peterson Field Guide to the Stars and Planets, 2nd Ed., 1983
The Cambridge Astronomy Guide (A Practical Introduction To Astronomy), Bill Liller & Ben Mayer, 1985
Uranometia 2000.0 Volume 1, 1987 Northern Hemisphere
Sky Atlas 2000.0, 26 all sky charts, Field Edition, 1981

Exploring the Total Eclipse
The Astronomers
NOVA - New Science of Chaos
1991 Solar Eclipse
Miracle Planet

Planispheres - 2 of them, a few years old, made of thick paper.