HAC Assets
HAC members are welcome to use, borrow, or donate materials to, our club assets. The HAC maintains several telescopes that are available to loan to members.
The list of periodicals, books, and other media currently maintained in the HAC Library can be found on the Library page.

Night Sky Network Tool Kits
The club has received several Night Sky Network (NSN) Tool Kits over a number of years. Each kit, compiled by JPL, NASA, and folks making up the NSN, contains innumerous astronomy related activities, parts and devices in addition to a CD that has all of the resources of the kit and a DVD which is the training manual for that particular kit. So far, we have 9 of these tool kits in total thanks to Doug Snyder logging our HAC events as they occur (meetings, star parties, and outreach events). Thanks, Doug!
If you are in need of material to make a science presentation, these kits would be an excellent resource. I don't believe any of these kits have had the information formally presented to the club. It would be great if a member would make a presentation out of one of these kits for one of our meetings!
- PlanetQuest : The Search for Another Earth
- Our Galaxy, Our Universe: On the scale of the Solar System, galaxy, and Universe
- Black Hole Survival
- Telescopes
- Shadows, Silhouettes: Phases, Eclipses, and Transits
- Exploring the Solar System
- Supernova!
- Glass Mirrors
- Space Rocks: Asteroids, Comets, and Meteorites

Meade 10", f/10 LX200 GPS, this telescope was awarded to HAC for its No.1 ranking in the MDA Fundraiser 2004 Telescopes for Telethon.
Celestron 6" StarHopper f/8 Dobsonian; this 'scope was donated for the loaner program by StellarVision in Tucson, AZ.� It has a cover, two eyepieces and a black briefcase.� �
Orion 8" Dobsonian, donated to HAC by Starizona in Tucson, AZ.� This scope has an eyepiece case with a few eyepieces, Telrad finder, and a cover.
Coronado Personal Solar Telescope.
Meade 8" LX 200 and related equipment. �It has the full setup with a finder scope. �Eye pieces are 6.4 mm, 12.4 mm, 15 mm, 26 mm, 32 mm, and 40 mm. �It also has a 2X Barlow and a center nob with a�compass.� The LX 200 has a JMI case with a small Meade case for the eye pieces. �It has the heavy duty tripod with it. �
Meade 4.4 in (114 mm) reflector. This has a Meade equatorial mount with go-to. �This is a low end scope but would be just right for learning the basics of a go-to scope. �It has three eye pieces a 2.5mm, 4 mm, and 25 mm. �This scope has a soft case for the eye pieces. It has an Orion canvas carrying case and an metal eyepiece case.
Celestron SkyScout with carrying case.�
Celestron NexStar telescope (looks like a 4-inch SCT) with Alt-Azimuth drive, and eyepieces. It does not have a carrying case
Astronomy Equipment
Green Laser Star Pointer: In the custody of 2007 President Wayne Johnson.
Sky Quality Meter: In the custody of former president Doug Snyder. This device is available for short term loan to members.
The Huachuca Astronomy Club is a sponsor of the 8.4-meter mirrors
that will be part of the Large
Binocular Telescope (LBT) on Mt. Graham in southeastern Arizona. The plaque, which
contains an engraved hexagon cell cap from one of the mirrors, will be kept at Dave Healy's
observatory for all to view. Presented to HAC on behalf of David Patterson, HAC's Life
Another plaque is in commemoration of the naming of a minor planet (37163) after the
club (named "huachucaclub"). Discovered and named by Jeff Medkeff and Dave Healy.
